How does the coating work?

Using nanotechnology, coatings form a molecular bond to the surface. This creates a durable, yet flexible, protective layer which separates your home's surfaces from the daily conditions of living. Coatings have been popular in Europe for the last decade and have been growing exponentially in the United States.By decreasing surface tension, coatings make any surface stay cleaner longer, and make them much easier to clean because molecules have a more difficult time bonding to a less porous substrate.

What areas/items in my home can I protect with a coating?

Kitchens, countertops (sealed), ovens, stove tops, convection ovens, grills, stainless steel appliances, shower doors, shower tile (sealed), inside/outside of toilets, sinks, and most cabinets can all be protected with our coating.

Other items include:

• Couches

• Light Fixtures

• Handbags

• Playsets

• Watches

• Shoes